About Us

Parents-Love is a new brand that believes in serving its customers while serving a greater good.

So many good causes desperately need attention and help. The idea of starting something that could perpetually provide funding and donations, to these various causes, has been floating around my mind for several years. Sadly, it was apparent that my personal donations would never be enough to make a dent in so many of these issues.

We needed to create a greater impact. The need for this became even more apparent during the Pandemic with so many people and families suffering. One thing that hit us especially hard was seeing long lines of hungry people waiting for food from local food banks and food pantries. We knew it was time to get creative and build something that would allow us to create the greatest impact in providing help.

Our primary mission is to create a business that generates attention and funds to help support these causes. Our goal is to not only be successful in serving this mission, but to continue to inspire individuals and other brands to do the same.

As we witness so many causes that need help and support, it is more than obvious there can never be too much help.

 Our broader mission is to be part of a movement to make a difference that hopefully one day will solve and eradicate the suffering of so many.

That is why we invite you to purchase our premium products to further the cause. We will donate 10% of our annual profits split between local NY Food Banks and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

 In addition, we will donate $1 for every “Parents-Love Brand Collection” item purchased over $25.00

Regardless of whether you purchase our products or not, we encourage you to donate to the organizations we named or any other organization of your own choosing. Please get involved. It means so much to the people in need. Thank you!